Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Chapter 3

1 new message.

"تراني نمت، اعذريني"

duuude you don't have to apologize lol.

"ايش دعوا لا تتأسف، ترا عادي"


He replied after a few minutes, then he asked if I had another app for contacting, since he didn't like this app that much.

9ara7attan, 5ft fl bdaya, glt yumkin howa la3ab w yaby banat w k4a, but I thought I should give him a chance, since as they say, everyone deserves a chance.

"How about MSN?"


1 new message.

"You still use that *laughing emoji*?"

I don't use it, but I didn't know which app to chose, wallah don't think I'm weird!

"No! haha, how about, hmmm, BBM?"


"Good idea".

We shared our pins, and I added him, b9ara7a I thought I should be shway thgeela but not too much, just incase this guy, well you know that I mean, la3ab w hal 5arabee6.

As the days past, I kept thgeela with him until we got to the weekend, we texted each other, and decided to play truth or dare.

Adry ina ghareeb la2na howa mo janbi 3ashan yadri e4a sawait el dare ow la2, but we just went on with it.

"I dare you... wait are you home alone?" he texted.


"Ok, then I dare you to shout your name two times out loud" uhh... a weird dare, but I did it anyways.

"Done" I sent.

"Any reply?" He asked

"La2, ma7ad rad. lol"

"Ajal they know you're weird"

"Everyone is weird, thats what makes them unique" I said hoping it was a good come back.

"6ayib cats wla dogs?"

"Dogs obviously"

"Laaa mani m9adig"

"Lesh? Wsho??"

"Kl el banat they choose cats, your the first to choose dogs"

"I just love them I guess?"

"Tedri can 3ndi a dog?"


"Yup, funny story, I used to feed him chips and chocolate as a child, my parents would tell me its bad for him, so I'd do it behind their backs"

"lol bs lesh xD?"

"3ashan 7raaamm 7set inoh ma byakol akil 7loo"

"haha cute"

"I know"

"5ala9 la titfa5ir..."

Thats when I started opening up to him, we texted for about 4 hours I believe, but at first kan ygool inah yaby ynam, lakin glt iny zahgana w lazim yiratib nomah, he's always awake during the night and asleep during the day, and he has dawam, f it was kind of a win win.

Howa yiratib nomah w ana istanis.

---- After the weekend-----

Kan el jow klah mia6r, ya3ni amazinggggg, bs our school wasn't willing to give us a vacation. Elmuhim bl first period, the actual roof was leaking and the lights weren't working, the just keep on opening and closing, w yjeebona el madrisa :) Kanat free period so I was using my phone, 6ila3 7ta Raed had to go to uni (jam3a). Yup he's in his second year of college mashallah -3gbali-, we were texting and Ameera was telling me something.

"Ha esh rayik??" Ameera says louder.


"Ely touwny glt lk 3anah"

"Oh eee eee mraaaa 7loooooo"

"Nawal..... Wsh tsaween" tjee w t6l bl jawal, "Meen Alyaa?"

"Ohhh ha4i wa7da tgrabli..." I felt guilty, she usually told me everything, but I was lying to her.

"6ayib Alyaa tgdar t9bar, sm3eeni"

"Yla ha esh tabeen Ameera?"

"Aby aroo7 a5ith course bl summer b London, a5ith shay wanasa wla shay yfeedni?"

"You can take two"

"Oh 97777, bs bshoof ray ahli owal etha yir6'oon"

"Okay, esh rayik ana w enti nfs el course b Summer?" 7set ena bkoon wanasa

"OMG EEE YESSS WALLAH WANASA W 7MAS!" She practically jumped mn her kirsy

"Amoora hady! Shofy el 9f klah yi6ali3na, w lazim nshoof Haya e4a taby ma3ana"

"Inshallah tgdar, el mushkilla he kl sana troo7 Canada 3ashan her siblings"

"I know" I frowned, Haya has 4 siblings, she's the youngest and lives with her parents in Saudi, they will move to Canada with the rest of her siblings when she finishes high school 3ashan tdris hnak with her siblings in the same college w k4a.

"BANAT ! " Fe abla appeared out of no where, I hid my phone 3ala 6ool.

"Zayn a7san hdoo2, 5ala9 kalmo ahalkum, ejaza, 5loohom yjoon ya5thoonkum" She said that and left.

As soon as she left, all the girls went crazy 3ashan far7aneen.

Dget 3ala mama "Aloo, hala mama".

"Hala, feek inti ow e5tik shay?"

"La la, bs 5rooj mubakir, mafy dirasa"

"Yoooh 3ad ana el7een wi9alt el bahrain ma3a abookum"

"5ala9 ya3ni ha4i 3alama mn rabi ini aroo7 m3 Ameera el bait, w mara wa7da nbda2 our art class project, esh rayik?"

"hmph..... 6ayib okay, bs 5leeha tit2akad e4a umha ra6'ya, etha la2, 5leeha twa9likum inti w e5tik el bayt"


"w dgy 3lay lama trkabeen el sayara"

"inshallah, shay thany?"

"La salamtik"

"Okay mama shukran a7ibik bye!"

"m3 el salama ya el engleziyah" I laughed and shut the phone as I hear her and my dad's laugh on the other side of the line.

"Amoora, ana bjee betkum low umik tr6'a"

"YESSS, elyoum 9ayir mraaaa 7loo!"

Jatna Haya, w galat inha btjee ma3ana, um Ameera galat 3adi, a9lan he mo bl bet so its okay.

When we got into the car I called mama and she told me to call her again when I arrive.

I then texted Raed:

هلا آسفة بس الصديقة الفضيلة عصبت علي تقول طفي جوالك

لا عادي اشدعوا

وعلى فكرة


3a6ona in9iraf mubakir ;) nananana

Don't rub it in my face woman -.-

Anyways, you know what I want to do in this rainy beautiful weather?

La, what?

I want to jump outside and dance and run

But be careful not to fall


Ok ajal owal ma too9lee e5riji bra e sawi el tebeenah

Haha I wish, bs none of my friends nor sister want to come into the rain with me and get wet

Honey, who said you had to have anyone, you have me, imagine I'm playing with you in the rain

Haha will do, yla we arrived, Adios

Bye and enjoy

Will do.

CUUUUUUTE ! I shouted inside but tried to act cool 3ashan el banat ma y7soon fe shay.


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